Drip Marketing Campaign

Drip campaigns are scheduled messages sent out to leads automatically to nurture and educate leads through the sales cycle. Other related names include life-cycle emails, auto-responders and marketing automation. Drip campaigns allow you to “touch” leads with appropriate content based on their preferences and/or actions taken on your websit. Automated drip campaigns free up marketing and sales resources without losing contact with your leads.

Rather than blasting everyone on mailing list your weekly newsletter, drip campaigns can be targeted to an interest or specific criteria. This is what we call “behavioural based” marketing.

A campaign can be triggered by an event or other parameters. Other triggers can include:

  • a form gets filled out
  • a specific field is filled in
  • a specific lead score
  • a date is reached
  • a lead visits a page
  • a lead returns to your website
  • a lead has not seen a page
  • a shopper abandons a shopping cart
  • a contact visits a page from an email

This can all be automated so that you can manage your communications across multiple campaigns and capture engagement across the life of a lead.
Contact us to discuss ways to create automated workflows for your leads.

Drip Marketing Campaign