My Social Business Journey – Working in Context

With a history in social media, I’m now learning about social business which is improving substantially the productivity of my own work and my team. The principle of working in context is a foundational principle to working smarter for a social business. This allows you to keep all your communication on a topic in one place […]

Going Live With Your Website: What’s Involved

Are you wondering what going live means? Your website (which is made up of a bunch of files) is hosted on a server somewhere through a hosting company (like bluehost) where you have a hosting package. You also have a domain (i.e., that you registered with a domain register.  This can be with your […]

Great Simple Video to Explain Agile Marketing

This is a very good concise video from SEOmoz on agile marketing. Jonathan describes well the parallels between agile development and agile marketing. This video shares four key principles of Agile Marketing and talks about how you can use them to hack your organization to deliver more value to your customers more often by breaking […]

Is Agile Integrated Marketing and Sales for You? Checklist!

Marketing is beyond busy these days with running campaigns, creating content for multiple channels and media types and reaching audiences through multiple social media profiles and more. Your web presence supports the sales process as customers engage across multiple digital touch-points before even talking to a salesperson. The role of sales and marketing have changed. […]

Marketing Is About Experiences From the First Touchpoint and Onward

“Marketing has shifted from the business of communications to the business of experiences. It’s the experiences that we give our prospects and customers, from their very first touchpoint with us onward, that communicates our brand,” states Scott Brinker @chiefmartec. This statement by Scott resonates with our AIMS Program.  In Agile Integrated Marketing and Sales, we review […]

Have You Refreshed and Deleted Your Cache?

If you are reviewing new work and recent editing in your website, you may not be seeing the most current files. Clearing the cache will allow you to see the most current files. Furthermore, periodic clearing of  the cache will allow your browser to function more efficiently. Caching Browsers store files (cache them) each time […]