Many small businesses struggle with where to invest their limited dollars. How do you know if you need marketing automation? Well, there are three things to observe about your business that indicate you are ready for marketing automation. Before we begin it is good to know what this industry trend means for you or is it just another passing fad.
At New Earth Marketing, we think there are three reasons you would need to consider marketing automation.
- Does your business need to nurture leads over time?
- Are you losing sales because you are not following up with clients?
- Is their repeat business you can get by creating loyalty with your customers?
Following up with clients is so important because customers are transacting business very quickly. Typical behavior might look like, they perform a Google search, visit the web sites of the top three links on the Google search results. Call two of them, buy from the one they like. Sound familiar, yikes, I know I have done that … may be many others do it too. That behavior is symptomatic of the digitally connected world we live in.
The idea behind nurturing customers is to provide them the right information as they are considering the benefits of your products or service. Understanding how your clients need to be nurtured is very important now. The digital journeys that your buyers are taking is very important for your business. Successful companies are understanding these journeys and creating meaningful content to touch the customer where and when they take them.
Losing leads is a painful thing for all businesses, and it still happens. Business owners are so busy. You are great at providing products and services, but you never have time to make that follow up call. Or worse yet, their email was in your spam folder and you missed it entirely. Sometimes, you make it after a few days, and the prospect says, “Thanks, we bought something else because we didn’t hear back from you.” Ouch, it has happened to all of us. Reducing the pain or difficulty of following is a huge benefit of marketing automation.
Do you have the opportunity for repeat business with your clients? It is important to maintain a relationship with those customers so that you can have follow on business and hopefully their experience with you will motivate them to promote your company to their social network. This is key in our digitally connected world.
Creating loyalty content is one way of showing appreciation for your customers. Feeding and caring for your existing customers is the best way to ensure your businesses’ viability and its long-term success.
We don’t see marketing automation as a fad, it supports necessary business functions that all companies regardless size need to master and manage. Talk to New Earth Marketing to see if Marketing Automation is right for your business.