Sadly, this is the typical storey of the cabinet maker with an ugly kitchen.

We have been so busy working on our clients’ sites and marketing that we have let our own efforts slide. I recently started teaching my workshop Grow with Web 2.0. As you know, you learn more when you set out to teach something. And what I have learned from working with my clients and research is that social media marketing does work!

So, I made a resolution that I’m going to actual “do what I say” and then I can truly “say what I do.” And, even though my friends have warned me that this could be RISKY…I decided it would be fun to journalize my steps as I start to implement my social media plan for my business, New Earth Marketing.

A bit of background:

I became quite good at building traffic using traditional online marketing strategies several years ago (before the growth in Facebook and Twitter). These more traditional strategies such as SEO, search & directory submissions, affiliate marketing, link building, article marketing are still a requirement. However now there’s so much more we can do online to build our brand, increase awareness and obtain traffic back to our site. Things are changing so fast. You really have to look for creative ways to stand out and reach people if you want to stay ahead.

Some Statistics on Social Media Growth – The growth in social media is phenomenal!

Like us all, I’m really busy and I kept putting off starting. Social media marketing is about long term branding. You may not see a large increase in sales to start. But it’s something you just have to do. The world is changing so fast now.

I’m truly worried that is I don’t get started right now I’ll be behind the eight ball.

I don’t want to be saying:

If only I got started sooner.”

So I’m starting now… and one of the first steps is to have a blog.  Anyways, I hope this answers the question of why (finally) I’m starting my blog. Or rather – Why I Must Start My Blog Today! 🙂